Lyconet and its problem with age verification of its marketers!
Making profits at all costs is the key factor for wealth, therefore information about marketers might not be checked very carefully. The legal provisions are basically clear though.
Since my article of 19 March 2019 i have been contacted by various minors who have been encouraged by other Lyconet marketers to sign up at Lyconet with false information about their age. This is suspected to have happened in agreement with Lyconet officials.
Although, Lyconet is obligated to verify the age of their customers, for example by copies of identification documents, the Post-Ident process, Q-Bit etc., the respective marketer is blamed and minor respectively their parents are threatened with legal measures.
Eg. see a letter from Lyconet: Rechtsabteilung wegen Minderjähriger 2
The respective recommendation givers refer to “consultations with their upline”. There are multiple voice mails from Lyconet marketers as a proof.
Here the transcription of voice mails in one case (the original version is in my possession):
Before the minor had signed and expressed his concerns, his recommendation giver told him:
“I already clarified that with my upline, I’ll tell you how the whole thing can be made possible. We are definitely going to handle that. There are possibilities, enough possibilities to start it though you are only 17 years old. I’ll tell you then… Rock on!”
Lyconet writes to the referrer: Minderjährige Empfehlungsgeber 2
translation: „Yo, the question is, what should I do now? Should I write that I didn’t know it, if that’s ok, or how do you want to handle it instead? Just asking… Greetings”
If myWorld/Lyconet approvingly accepts the registration of minors? If marketers, if they are at all, are being instructed on this and on the consequences that might follow?
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