Exclusive Interview on Lyoness/Lyconet/myWorld

Lawyer and University Professor Miguel Ángel Fernández-Salinero San Martín The Austrian Central Public Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption (WKStA) is currently conducting an elaborate investigation against Hubert Freidl and a dozen other individuals, including a client advisor from a renowned Austrian bank. Investigations into Hubert Freidl’s system are also underway in Germany […]

SAFIR/ZENIQ! The bankruptcy with the HUB, shareholders fooled, stock exchange supervisory authority warns and the path to XERO!

Internal strife: things start to bubble behind the scenes After just a few months of flourishing business, internal disagreements finally lead to a rift in the management team: over the course of 2021, ZENIQ and Safir will transfer six- to seven-figure sums to Vaugee GmbH for the development of an alleged ZENIQ app and the […]

Dream factory Lyoness/Lyconet! Passive income was never held out?! Another lie from Hubert Freidl, here is the proof!

Lyconet advertised a “passive income” and the “safest business in the world”, but Freidl claims and states that this was not communicated in the documents. Excerpts from Hubert Freidl’s statement at the end of the article! The lure of “passive income” was and is a common tool used by Lyconet companies to procure new members […]

Crypto collapse ZENIQ / Safir / Xera Pro: From hyped hub to global scam? Public prosecutor’s office investigates.

Beware of this hype! What you should know about the ZENIQ / Safir / Xera Pro crypto construct and its sales model The blockchain world is constantly changing, and new products often promise revolutionary changes. One of these supposed revolutions in recent years has been the ZENIQ Hub, touted as an innovative device for managing […]

Freidl’s statement reveals false and misleading numbers. 

In its statement, the law firm Brandl Talos repeatedly emphasizes on behalf of Hubert Freidl that the private parties involved in the proceedings, i.e. the plaintiffs, are a small, unsuccessful part of the marketers.   Freidl tries to substantiate this with marketer figures that have been communicated for the first time, it remains to be seen […]