Other companies
Unfortunately, there are many companies that are not honest with their customers. With over 30 years of experience in the field of white-collar crime, we can also help in cases of suspected fraud against previously unknown companies.
Note for victims: How to effectively enforce your rights!
Those who have been harmed by an MLM system are often stunned, disappointed and angry when they realise that the promises made by the company have not been kept. The suspicion of having become a victim of a so-called SCAM is confirmed. The advice often heard in the community is not even to try to […]
XPRO: Hot air and empty promises – The ‘Global Call’ once again reveals the truth.
At the latest ‘Global Call’ on 11 January 2025, the familiar pattern of exaggerated promises, self-congratulation and the deliberate spreading of hope – without substance – was once again revealed. At first glance, the list of speakers sounded important: Goran Hemstrom, Charbel Zalaquett, Werner Kaiser, Tom Barendregt, Jose Gordo and Gorka Buces. But anyone hoping […]
WISE condemned: Neo-Bank must provide comprehensive GDPR information and bear legal costs
An Austrian court has granted several claims in a legal dispute between a bank customer and Wise Europe SA/NV. The plaintiff demanded that WISE provide information on all transactions on his bank account, the transfer of the resulting account balance and comprehensive information in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR, including information on the transfer of […]
Christmas and New Year 2024/2025
Safir/Zeniq, Blockchain Era, Success Factory, Xera.Pro – and now Homnifi: Who can still see through it?
Investors dupe and fob off, briefly disappear from the scene and then reappear under a new name and with supposedly unprecedented innovation: a pattern that can be found in many pyramid schemes: A good example of such a tactic is Xera.Pro/Xpro. Still being touted as ‘brand new’ at the beginning of the year, this business […]
Because everyone is doing it – the bandwagon effect
It is a widespread human behaviour: we often follow the lead of others because we assume that the majority cannot be wrong. However, it is precisely this phenomenon that is deliberately exploited in cases of MLM (multi-level marketing) fraud. Many victims report that they allowed themselves to be infected by the euphoria of others. The […]
Confirmation bias: why we always want to be right – the confirmation bias
As the second Sunday of Advent approaches, we would like to shed some light on a topic that encourages people to critically question their own behaviour. If you have invested in systems such as Lyoness, Lyconet, myWorld, HyperVerse, GSPartner, Karatbars, Safir, Zeniq, Xera, XeraPro or XPro, the following Advent posts may encourage you to reflect […]