Bankruptcy of Lyoness Europe AG: The unfortunate fate of individual plaintiffs and a frustrated bankruptcy administrator!

The bankruptcy of Switzerland-based Lyoness Europe AG & Lyoness International AG. The administrator tasked with handling the case is truly to be pitied; his nerves are frayed as this task proves to be not only arduous but also presents significant obstacles. Despite intensive efforts, he has only managed to recover around 110,000 Swiss francs, just […]

Dangerous rules: Why active Lyconet marketers should be especially vigilant now!!!

Nothing will change for injured parties who have already submitted a claim and were no longer active, especially since the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice has already declared the previous terms and conditions to be non-transparent and void. In particular, the court clearly rejected the fiction of marketers being considered entrepreneurs, which made it necessary […]

Eat or die: Lyconet/myworld – Marketer activity will be massively hampered by acceptance of the new contract terms.

Lyconet marketers are currently being confronted with the following announcement, which comes as a surprise and presents them with a fait accompli without warning. The changes are quite something, and it seems difficult not to violate them. Find out here what you as a marketer have to do, observe or not do now. Unless you […]

Lyconet Elite Seminar in Budapest: A glittering facade, crumbling foundations

The Elite Seminar in Budapest is just around the corner! While a spectacular show has been promised and will certainly be provided by the entertainment, one thing remains clear: the glittering facade is intended to distract from the massive problems in the background in order to attract more paying marketers. For months now, the legal […]

Verdict on South Africa: denial and delay – Hubert Freidl and Radovan Vitoshevich

The case of the liquidation of Lyconet South Africa (Pty) Ltd is not only a story of financial mismanagement, but once again reveals the questionable behaviour of Hubert Freidl and Co. Both Freidl and Vitoshevich tried to deny responsibility for the debts incurred here as well. The Lin lawsuit: the precedent that uncovered everything A […]

Lyconet South Africa: senior employees set up their own company – the end for Lyconet South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

t On the 21st of June 2024 the final verdict was handed down: Lyconet South Africa (Pty) Ltd is to be liquidated, the verdict confirms the company’s financial insolvency.   But the real drama is playing out behind the scenes – the insolvency and closure are the result of an internal conflict, led by former senior […]

Lyoness, Lyconet, and myWorld: Companies in Norway and South Africa Imploded: Court Rulings and National Bankruptcies Shake Freidl’s Companies Worldwide

Several companies under the Lyconet/myWorld umbrella are now operating on emergency power. There’s a major shake-up at Lyoness, Lyconet, and myWorld! In multiple countries, courts have issued severe rulings and consequences against the companies. Particularly significant: in Norway and South Africa, massive financial irregularities have led to serious consequences. In South Africa, former Lyconet managers […]

Lyoness/Lyconet/myWorld: Marketers bear the responsibility?

Lyoness/Lyconet/myWorld have been the focus of legal disputes in several countries for years. The business model and practices of these companies have been repeatedly criticised. But what is particularly alarming: In situations where legal problems arise, the company leaves its marketers out in the cold. Instead of taking responsibility, the company shifts the burden and […]

Liability instead of freedom: The risky reality for Lyconet marketers

Working as a marketer for Lyoness/Lyconet/myWorld can seem like a promising business opportunity at first glance. With promises of high bonuses, passive income and financial independence, many are lured into the network. However, the reality shows a different picture: marketers who work for this company expose themselves to considerable legal and financial risks. In this […]

myWorld announcements about SKAI2PAY are a lie! Now it’s official: Mastercard denies any co-operation!

Extract from Mastercard’s statement: ’………..thank you for your patience in this matter. We can now confirm that the card program mentioned is not authorized and MasterCard is taking appropriate steps………..” The highly publicized Skai2 project is once again just cave painting from the Hubert Freidl´s studio. What has long been suspected has now been officially […]