TV broadcast in Austria. Lyconet is a Ponzi Scheme!

Finally an Austrian TV station has found the courage and describes Lyoness / Lyconet as what it is. Already on the 9th of december 2017 the Austrian’s Civil Lawyer confronted with Lyoness at ORF . At that time Lyoness was already classified as a Ponzi Scheme, and the controversial Lyoness General Terms and Conditions convicted […]

myWorld/Lyoness: Open letter to Oscar Sousa Marques, Regional Director of APAC

Dear Mr. Marques,  We acknowledge your official release to BECM Inc., again noting that the phrase “the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing” could not be more apt with respect to myWorld/Lyconet/Lyoness. The representations in your letter compares well with “cave paintings” as you lose yourself in untenable, easily refutable accusations. […]

Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, UOKiK, has classified Lyoness as a pyramid scheme by official decree of 30 December 2019. This means that funds will have to be reimbursed.

The Polish business and law journal GAZETA PRAWNA published an article on the UOKiK decree on 12 February 2020.,lyoness-piramida-finansowa-program-lojalnosciowy.html The loyalty programme as run in forty-seven countries has turned out to be a poor investment in Poland, according to the President of Poland’s Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) in his conclusion. Proceedings […]

Lyoness Europe AG loses appeal/Defence on grounds of international jurisdiction at court. Terms and Conditions declared null and void. Court makes no distinction between my World and/or Lyoness.

The Lyoness pyramid scheme has a penchant for appealing to the jurisdiction of individual courts, invoking Swiss jurisdiction outside EU legislation. As usual, the Lyoness pyramid scheme referred to international and local jurisdiction of the Austrian courts in a case concerning one Austrian Lyoness victim (more than €20,000 [über zweideutig!]) at Vienna Commercial Court (51 […]