Enterprise Cloud X! Have you read the Terms of Use?

Anyone inspired, bamboozled, or pressured by BCR blowhards such as A. Matuska and Maximilian Ölze into purchasing an EC X probably did not really read the Terms of Use for EC X as nobody of sound mind would accept these terms. Maybe one of the Lyconet marketers could enlighten us and explain the “Cloud” offering advertised as “the safest deal in the world”?

The first block in the Terms of Use – the disclaimer – claims that “Lyconet and also myWorld reserve the right to alter and/or withdraw this incentive at any time for any reason without notice.” This means that they can simply cancel any member’s alleged real-estate share without giving a reason. Andreas Matuska, Gerry Seebacher, Markus Käfer and (amongst other things) Hubert Freidl themselves claimed that this was “the safest deal in the world” and “unique” in their webinars.

Apart from that, each Enterprise Cloud X (EC X) member was to participate in the potential “retained earnings” from myWorld Enterprise Ltd., 3rd Floor, 40 Bank Street, London, E14 5NR, in the form of SPs (Shopping Points)


in the “net rental income” (less expenses) from named EC X projects of myWorld Real Estate Ltd., 3rd Floor, 40 Bank Street, London, E14 5NR, also in the form of SPs (Shopping Points).

Are Cloud X purchasers aware that myWorld Enterprise Ltd. is a “dormant limited” with only £100 share capital (see excerpt), and that myWorld Real Estate Ltd. has just £1 in registered share capital (see excerpt)?

We eagerly await the annual statements for 2020. But as the members already know, myWorld or Lyconet may alter or withdraw any previous approval without giving a reason. Nobody that we can see signs this kind of contract without the intention of earning off the backs of others by feeding more unsophisticated victims into this pyramid scheme.

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