BECM Inc. pays out Lyoness victims!
So far, BE Conflict Management Inc. has made payments to Lyoness/Lyconet/myWorld victims 311.837,91 AUD (Australia), 47,234.08 GBP (England/Northern Ireland), 37,837.19 EUR (Ireland) and 242.786,07 ZAR (South Africa). German injured parties have not yet been published due to the current investigations of the public prosecutor’s office in Cologne.
BE Conflict Management Inc., which is listed in the commercial register under the registration number P19000039786, is operating internationally in order to deal with the damages the snowball system Lyoness has caused worldwide. Surprisingly, a lot of victims from the USA have contacted us. Promises and sales forecasted by the myWorld group are not becoming reality. Also, the marked was too weak and the main concern was recruiting new paying members.
Currently we, we have open claims against the snowball system Lyoness of about 6.5 million Euro.
Thank you for the many thank-you letters and videos of thanks, for which we will create a separate section.
Fantastic work Ben. Without your efforts, all of these people would have lost their money!
How does one make a claim against Lyoness? Thank you.