Christmas and New Year 2024/2025

Safir/Zeniq, Blockchain Era, Success Factory, Xera.Pro – and now Homnifi: Who can still see through it?

Investors dupe and fob off, briefly disappear from the scene and then reappear under a new name and with supposedly unprecedented innovation: a pattern that can be found in many pyramid schemes: A good example of such a tactic is Xera.Pro/Xpro. Still being touted as ‘brand new’ at the beginning of the year, this business […]

Because everyone is doing it – the bandwagon effect

It is a widespread human behaviour: we often follow the lead of others because we assume that the majority cannot be wrong. However, it is precisely this phenomenon that is deliberately exploited in cases of MLM (multi-level marketing) fraud. Many victims report that they allowed themselves to be infected by the euphoria of others. The […]

New pilot, defective aircraft – Blocktrade with eSync!

Why Blocktrade and its partners are having trouble getting established! The latest AMA (Ask Me Anything) from Sam Tan, the new beacon of hope at the helm of Blocktrade and eSync, should shed some light on the situation. Tan tried to present a vision for the future and regain the trust of investors. But despite […]

Why we believe that bad things only happen to others: the optimism bias

People believe that bad things happen less to them than to others. They are therefore too optimistic – even when there is actually no good reason for it. In the case of fraudulent MLM schemes, it works like this: A trusting investor thinks: ‘The cases of fraud I hear about may happen to others, but […]

Blocktrade: Visions, promises and reality!

The announcement of a new era at Blocktrade has attracted a lot of attention in recent weeks. Under the banner ‘EPIC Blocktrade’, the platform is to be comprehensively transformed. With a broader range of services, including a gaming centre and investment diversification, a global marketplace for tokenised assets is to be created. In addition, the […]

Blocktrade: Sam Tan – a beacon of hope or just a means to an end?

Blocktrade continues to fall short of its own promises. Neither the introduction of eCredits nor the BTEX token have achieved the hoped-for success. Instead, both prices are in a sustained decline, and a long-announced IPO has not yet taken place. The shares, which were advertised as highly promising, also offer no prospect of monetisation. Customer […]

Confirmation bias: why we always want to be right – the confirmation bias

As the second Sunday of Advent approaches, we would like to shed some light on a topic that encourages people to critically question their own behaviour. If you have invested in systems such as Lyoness, Lyconet, myWorld, HyperVerse, GSPartner, Karatbars, Safir, Zeniq, Xera, XeraPro or XPro, the following Advent posts may encourage you to reflect […]

HyperVerse: Sam Lee and the global billion-dollar fraud

Please note the information at the end of the article! Sam Lee, once celebrated in Australia as the ‘crown prince of Bitcoin’, is now at the centre of one of the biggest crypto-scandal scandals in recent years. He and his co-conspirators are being investigated by international authorities. Both the U.S. Department of Justice and the […]

Blocktrade: The next worst case scenario for marketers?

Hubert Freidl and his associates have always denied any connection to Blocktrade. But as already researched and documented in detail in earlier reports, written evidence exists that refutes these claims. After a period of relative calm around the platform, there are now again grandiose promises: a new management level and a ‘strategic realignment’ are supposed […]