Entries by Redaktion Blog

“eCredits”: Failure with ECR AG at the FMA Liechtenstein! FINTECH LAUNCHPAD LIMITED is now attempting it in London?

ECR AG i.L. (we are currently reporting, Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein officially warns against “eCredits”! – BE KONFLIKTMANAGEMENT (bekm.us) failed “eCredits” at the FMA Liechtenstein. On June 18, 2021, the FMA Liechtenstein officially warned on their website against “eCredits”. On July 5, 2021 FINTECH LAUNCHPAD LIMITED (Registered office address: 8th Floor, 20 Farringdon Street […]

Lyconet President: Terje Duesund “Shame on you!” TV feature 04.07.2021 in Norway: “Lyoness/Lyconet/myWorld and the business ban!” Part 1

Lyconet level 8 Terje Duesund tells TV station: “…….that the Lyoness company behaved illegally. He believes he did not defraud or deceive the participants himself”.  (Detailed contribution from BE-TV will follow shortly!) TV report on the Lyoness/Lyconet/myWorld Ponzi scheme! Link: Yvonne har tapt 230 000 kroner – nå saksøker nordmenn shoppingnettverk (tv2.no) The callousness of […]

BEKM on Tour: A visit to myWorld Italia in Verona!

We from BEKM were in Italy doing research. The aim was to meet the people in charge of Lyoness/Lyconet/myWorld there, as we had many questions. In Verona we were able to talk to the CEO of myWorld Italia, Eduardo Moretti, via the intercom. He offered us several times that he would be willing for an […]